Playing with Complexity

(2007 - Ongoing
Computation has the potential to function as a powerfully expressive creative medium. Beyond representing the appearances of natural phenomena, computation can model concepts, processes and entire systems. There are numerous advanced computational domains–Evolutionary Computing, Emergence, Artificial Life, Dynamical Systems–that offer fascinating generative possibilities. However, creative and non-technical intellectual communities have struggled to tap this potential. The majority of creative initiatives utilizing computation operate at the software application user interface–a highly mediated space that encapsulates the materiality of computation (code). In my recently published book, Processing: Creative Coding and Computational Art, I presented an introductory path and methodology for artists to begin to tap the creative potential of code. This next project expands upon and extends this earlier research, exploring and presenting advanced computational structures and concepts and their applicability across the arts and humanities. This project will result in a book and open-source code library.

Lindenmayer Systems
Algorithmic Tree
Artificial Life

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